
Selected working papers

  • Gong, Z., Zhang, F. Airline’s fleet sizing and pricing strategies for passenger and freight services under demand uncertainty.
  • Lin, J., Zhang, F. Transforming Urban Freight Transportation: Service Network Design for Synergy with Passenger Transportation in Transit Systems.
  • Ma, M., Zhang, F., Liu, W., Dixit, V. Urban co-modality with endogenous passenger and freight demands and levels of services.
  • Sun, W., Zhang, F. Truck-and-drone collaborative system for post-disaster multi-mission operations.
  • Wei, T., Xu, G., Liu, W., Zhang, F., Yang, H., Shi, F. Estimating time-varying demand for high-speed railway network based on ticket booking record.
  • Yang, X., Wang, S., Zhang, F., Huang, G.Q. On the urban co-modal system: Pricing and incentive strategies.
  • Zhang, F., Lindsey, R., Yang, H. The economics of cross-modal congestion.
  • Zhang, Z., Liu, W., Zhang, F. To park or to share your autonomous vehicles?
  • Zhang, Z., Ma, M., Zhang, F., Liu, W. Economic analysis of parking, vehicle charging and vehicle-to-grid service in the era of electric vehicles.

Research Grants

  • “Urban co-modality in public transport systems: Synergize passenger and freight movements”, 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024, Early Career Scheme (ECS), Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, PI.
  • “Synchronization and optimization of an integrated passenger-freight transport system with demand uncertainties”, 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024, Science Fund for Young Scholars, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), PI.
  • “Order allocation and vehicle routing optimization of an integrated logistics platform with crowdsourced and dedicated couriers”, 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2027, General Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), PI.
  • “Transport modelling and management for the transition to autonomous driving”, 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2022, Seed Fund for Basic Research for New Staff, University Research Committee, HKU, PI.
  • “SynchroHub: Cyber-Physical internet for synchronizing cross-border logistics hubs in the Greater Bay Area (GBA)”, 3 January 2023 to 2 January 2028, Theme-based Research Scheme, Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, Co-PI.

Technical reports

  • Draft recommendations for improved information and communications for real-time yard and network management (2018). Deliverable D2.2 of project OptiYard: Optimised Real-time Yard and Network Management. Submitted to European Commission on 31 July 2018.
  • Impact assessment of the GPS-based positioning in railway network (2018). Deliverable D6.1 of project RAPPORT: Real-time Accurate Positioning & Protection of Rail Transport. Submitted to Innovate UK on 30 April 2018.
  • Final business case synthesis report (2018). Deliverable D1.8 of project NeTIRail-INFRA: Needs Tailored Interoperable Railway. Submitted to European Commission on 9 March 2018.
  • Cost and user benefit report (2018). Deliverable D1.4 of project NeTIRail-INFRA: Needs Tailored Interoperable Railway. Submitted to European Commission on 28 Febuary 2018.
  • Impact assessment methodology development (2017). Deliverable D4.1 of project SMaRTE: Smart Maintenance and the Rail Traveller Experience. Submitted to European Commission on 11 December 2017.

Invited talks

  • Urban co-modality: Synergize passenger and freight transportation. The 4th Symposium on Travel Behavior and Transportation Science, co-organized by North China University of Technology, Beihang University, and Beijing Jiaotong University. Beijing, China, 28-30 July 2023.
  • A spatiotemporal analysis of the robustness of high-speed rail network in China, International Symposium on High-speed Railway and Environment, organized by Shijiazhuang Tiedao University and Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 26 September 2020.
  • Quantifying Demand and Impacts of High-speed Rail System. School of Economics and Management, Beihang University. Beijing, China, 11 September 2019.
  • Quantifying Demand and Impacts of High-speed Rail System. College of Metropolitan Transportation, Beijing University of Technology. Beijing, China, 10 September 2019.
  • Unlock the sharing economy in the parking sector for recurrent commuting trips. School of Economics and Management, Beihang University. Beijing, China, 15 October 2018.
  • The substitution and complementary effects between high-speed rail and air transport. School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jiaotong University. Beijing, China, 15 October 2018.
  • Quantifying complex interactions between high-speed rail and air transport. Sino-US Global Logistics Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Shanghai, China, 19 June 2018.
  • Multimodal transport systems – modelling, analysis and management. College of Transport & Communications, Shanghai Maritime University. Shanghai, China, 17 June 2018.
  • Impact Assessment of Condition-Based Maintenance for metro lines in Bangkok and London. Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University. Salaya, Thailand, 26 January 2018.
  • Economic Modelling and Analysis of Transport Systems. College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University. Changsha, China, 27 December 2017.
  • Modelling and Analysis of Multimodal Transport Systems. School of Engineering, Sun-Yat Sen University. Guangzhou, China, 16 June 2017.

Academic services

Editorial Board Member

  • Transportation Planning and Technology
  • International Journal of Intelligent Transportation System Research
  • International Conference on Transportation and Space-time Economics
  • International Workshop on Computational Transportatioin Science
  • International Symposium on Travel Behavior and Transportation Science

Guest Editor

  • Special Issue of Transportmetrica B on “Advances in Air Transportation Management”
  • Special Session of TSTE 2019 conference on “High-speed rail and air transport”

Journal Reviewer

  • Transportation Science
  • Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
  • Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
  • Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
  • Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
  • Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
  • Transportmetrica A: Transport Science
  • Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics
  • Transport Policy
  • Travel Behaviour and Society
  • Networks and Spatial Economics
  • IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
  • International Journal of Logistics
  • Transportation Planning and Technology
  • Transportation Research Record
  • Journal of Advanced Transportation
  • Journal of Transport Economics and Policy
  • Journal of Transportation Engineering
  • Journal of Management Science and Engineering
  • Regional Science, Policy and Practice
  • Research in Transportation Economics

Conference and Public Report Reviewer

  • International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT)
  • Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB)
  • International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS)
  • International Conference on Vehicle Technology andIntelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS)
  • International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP)
  • International Conference on Transportation and Space-time Economics (TSTE)
  • IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC)
  • Government Office for Science of the UK