
You can also find my publication profiles on Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, or ResearchGate.

Journal Publications

(*: Dr Zhang is corresponding author; †: Research student advised by Dr Zhang))

[43] Zhang, Z.†, Zhang, F.* (2024) Optimal operation strategies of an urban crowdshipping platform in asset-light, asset-medium, or asset-heavy business format. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, in press.

[42] Jin, Z., Ng, KKH., Zhang, C., Liu, W., Zhang, F., Xu, G. (2024) A risk-averse distributionally robust optimisation approach for drone-supported relief facility location problem. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 186, 103538.

[41] Gong, Z.†, Liu, W., Zhang, F. (2024) Residential location choices and commuting patterns considering telecommuting. Transport Policy, 153, 54-67.

[40] Lin, J.†, Zhang, F.* (2024) Modular vehicle-based transit system for passenger and freight co-modal transportation. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 160, 104545.

[39] Sun, W.†, Zhang, F.*, Liu, W., He, Q. (2024) Optimal control of connected autonomous vehicles in a mixed traffic corridor. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 25(5), 4206-4218.

[38] Xu, G., Guo, J., Zhong, L., Zhang, F. and Liu, W. (2023) Optimal capacity allocation for high-speed railway express delivery. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 185, 109683.

[37] Zhao, R.†, Koo, T., Liu, W., Lodewijks, G., Zhang, F. (2023) A service network design for scheduled advanced air mobility using human-driven and autonomous air metro. Decision Analytics Journal, in press. (Download)

[36] Ma, M.†, Zhang, F.*, Liu, W., Dixit, V. (2023) On urban co-modality: Non-cooperative and cooperative games among freight forwarder, carrier and transit operator. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 153, 104234. (Download)

[35] Zhang, Z.†, Liu, W., Zhang, F.* (2023) On the joint network equilibrium of parking and travel choices under mixed traffic of shared and private autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 153, 104226. (Download)

[34] Gong, Z.†, Zhang, F.*, Liu, W., Graham, D. (2023) On the effects of airport capacity expansion under responsive airlines and elastic passenger demand. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 170, 48-76. (Download)

[33] Zhang, Z.†,Zhang, F.* (2022) Ride-pooling services with differentiated pooling sizes under endogenous congestion effect. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 144, 103883. (Download)

[32] Zhang, F., Lindsey, R., Yang, H., Shao, C., Liu, W. (2022) Two-sided pricing strategies for a parking sharing platform: reselling or commissioning? Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 163, 40-63. (Download)

[31] Liu, W., Zhang, F., Wang, X., Shao, C., Yang, H. (2022) Unlock the sharing economy: the case of the parking sector for recurrent commuting trips. Transportation Science, 56(2), 265-564. (Download)

[30] Ma, M.†, Zhang, F., Liu, W., Dixit, V. (2022) A game theoretical analysis of metro-integrated city logistics systems. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 156, 14-27. (Download)

[29] Wu, W., Liu, Y., Liu, W., Zhang, F., Dixit, V., Waller, S.T. (2022) Autonomous intersection management for connected and automated vehicles: a lane-based approach. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(9), 15091-15106. (Download)

[28] Zhang, F., Liu, W., Lodewijks, G., Waller, S.T. (2022) The short-run and long-run equilibria for commuting with autonomous vehicles. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 10(1), 803-830. (Download)

[27] Zhao, R.†, Liu, W., Zhang, F., Koo, T., Lodewijks, G. (2021) Passenger shuttle service network design in an airport. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 10(1), 1099-1125. (Download)

[26] Zhang, F., Liu, W. (2021) An economic analysis of integrating bike sharing service with metro systems. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 99, 103008. (Download)

[25] Liu, W., Zhang, F.*, Yang, H. (2021) Modeling and managing the joint equilibrium of destination and parking choices under a hybrid supply of curbside and shared parking. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 130, 103301. (Download)

[24] Li, S., Zhou, Y., Kundu, T., Zhang, F. (2021) Impact of entry restriction policies on international air transport connectivity during COVID-19 pandemic. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 152, 102411. (Download)

[23] Wu, W., Liu, W., Zhang, F., Dixit, V. (2021) A new flexible parking reservation scheme for the morning commute under limited parking supplies. Networks and Spatial Economics, 21, 513-545. (Download)

[22] Ma, M., Liu, W., Li, X., Zhang, F., Jian, S., Dixit, V. (2021) Quantifying service-reliability-based day-to-day evolution of travel choices in public transit systems with smart transit card data. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 9(1), 519-551. (Download)

[21] Jiao, J., Zhang, F.*, Liu, J. (2020) A spatiotemporal analysis of the robustness of high-speed rail network in China. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 89, 102584. (Download)

[20] Zhang, F., Yang, Z.†, Jiao, J., Liu, W., Wu, W. (2020) The effects of high-speed rail development on regional equity in China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 141, 180-202. (Download)

[19] Yang, Z.†, Li, C., Jiao, J., Liu, W., Zhang, F.* (2020) On the joint impact of high-speed rail and megalopolis policy on regional economic growth in China. Transport Policy, 99, 20-30. (Download)

[18] Wei, B., Saberi, M., Zhang, F., Liu, W., Waller, S.T. (2020) Modeling and managing ridesharing in a multi-modal network with an aggregate traffic representation: a doubly dynamical approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 117, 102670. (Download)

[17] Zhang, F., Liu, W., Wang, X., Yang, H. (2020) Parking sharing problem with spatially distributed parking supplies. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 117, 102676. (Download)

[16] Zhang, F.*, Graham, D.J. (2020) Air transport and economic growth: A review of the impact mechanism and causal relationships. Transport Reviews, 40(4), 506-528. (Download)

[15] Jiao, J., Wang, J., Zhang, F.*, Jin, F., Liu, W. (2020) Roles of accessibility, connectivity and spatial interdependence in realizing the economic impact of high-speed rail: Evidence from China. Transport Policy, 91, 1-15. (Download)

[14] Wu, W., Zhang, F., Liu, W., Lodewijks, G. (2020) Modelling the traffic in a mixed network with autonomous-driving expressways and non-autonomous local streets. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 134, 101855. (Download)

[13] Zhang, F., Liu, W. (2020) Responsive bus dispatching strategy in a multi-modal and multi-directional transportation system: a doubly dynamical approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 113, 21-37. (Download)

[12] Wu, W., Liu, Y, Liu, W., Zhang, F., Rey, D., Dixit, V (2019) An integrated approach for optimizing left-turn forbiddance decisions along urban arterial road. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 7(1), 1481-1504. (Download)

[11] Wu, W., Wang, M., Zhang, F.* (2019) Commuting Behavior and Congestion Satisfaction: Evidence from Beijing, China. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 67, 553-564. (Download)

[10] Zhang, F., Graham, D.J., Wong, M. (2018) Quantifying the substitutability and complementarity between high-speed rail and air transport. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 118, 191-215. (Download)

[9] Zhang, F., Zheng, N., Yang, H., Geroliminis, N. (2018) A systematic analysis of multimodal transport systems with road space distribution and responsive bus service. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 96, 208-230. (Download)

[8] Liu, W., Li, X, Zhang, F.*, Yang, H. (2017) Interactive travel choices and traffic forecast in a doubly dynamical system with user inertia and information provision. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 85, 711-731. (Download)

[7] Zhang, F., Liu, W., Wang, X., Yang, H. (2017) A new look at the morning commute with household shared-ride: How does school location play a role? Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 103, 198-217. (Download)

[6] Liu, W., Zhang, F.*, Yang, H. (2017) Modeling and managing morning commute with both household and individual travels. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 103, 227-247. (Download)

[5] Wang, W.W., Wang, D.Z., Zhang, F., Sun, H., Zhang, W. and Wu, J. (2017) Overcoming the Downs-Thomson Paradox by transit subsidy policies. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 95, 126-147. (Download)

[4] Zhang, F., Lindsey, R. and Yang, H. (2016) The Downs–Thomson paradox with imperfect mode substitutes and alternative transit administration regimes. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 86, 104-127. (Download)

[3] Liu, W., Zhang, F.*, Yang, H. (2016) Managing morning commute with parking space constraints in the case of bi-modal many-to-one network. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 12(2), 116-141. (Download)

[2] Zhang, F., Yang, H., Liu, W. (2014) The Downs-Thomson Paradox with responsive transit service. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 70, 244-263. (Download)

[1] Liu, W., Yang, H., Yin, Y., Zhang, F. (2014) A novel permit scheme for managing parking competition and bottleneck congestion. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 44, 265-281. (Download)

Selected Conference Papers

[49] Shao, S.†, Lin, J.†, Zhang, F. (2023) Service network design for a metro-based crowdsoured transportation system under uncertainties. The 14th Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (CTS), Shanghai, China, 11-14 August 2023.

[48] Lin, J.†, Zhang, F. (2023) Designing modular vehicle-based transit systems for integrated passenger and freight transportation. The 14th Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (CTS), Shanghai, China, 11-14 August 2023.

[47] Zhang, Z.†, Zhang, F., Liu, W. (2023) Modeling the vehicle parking, charging and vehicle-to-grid services in the era of electric vehicles. The 14th Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (CTS), Shanghai, China, 11-14 August 2023. (Recipient of CTS 2023 Best paper award)

[46] Zhang, Z.†, Zhang, F. (2023) The three-sided market of shared parking: The operation and market equilibrium in the presence of differentiated parking supplies. The 14th Workshop on Computational Transportation Science (CTS), Shanghai, China, 11-14 August 2023.

[45] Gong, Z.†, Zhang, F. (2023) Airline’s fleet sizing and pricing strategies for passenger and cargo services under demand uncertainty. The 23nd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP), Beijing, China, 14-17 July, 2023.

[44] Gong, Z.†, Zhang, F. (2023) Airline fleet sizing decision with convertible aircraft under demand uncertainty. The 26th Air Transport Research Society World Conference (ATRS), Kobe, Japan, 1-4 July, 2023.

[43] Sun, W.†, Zhang, F. (2023) Truck-and-drone collaborative system for post-disaster multi-mission operations. The 26th Air Transport Research Society World Conference (ATRS), Kobe, Japan, 1-4 July, 2023.

[42] Lin, J.†, Zhang, F. (2023) Modular Vehicle-based Transit System for Passenger and Freight Co-modal Transportation. The 13th POMS-HK International Conference, Hong Kong, 7-8 January 2023.

[41] Lin, J.†, Zhang, F. (2022) Service network design for bus-integrated freight transport systems with demand uncertainty. The 26th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 12-13 December 2022.

[40] Sun, W.†, Zhang, F. (2022) Trajectory control of connected and autonomous vehicles in a mixed traffic corridor. The 26th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 12-13 December 2022.

[39] Gong, Z.†, Zhang, F., Liu, W. (2022) Airline’s fleet sizing and pricing strategies for passenger and freight services under demand uncertainty. The 26th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 12-13 December 2022.

[38] Zhang, Z.†, Liu, W., Zhang, F. (2022) Modeling the mixed network traffic of shared and private autonomous vehicles. The 26th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 12-13 December 2022.

[37] Zhang, Z.†, Liu, W., Zhang, F. (2022) Modeling the Joint Network Equilibrium with Private and Shared Autonomous Vehicles. The 22nd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2022), Changsha, China, 8-11 July 2022.

[36] Gong, Z.†, Zhang, F. (2022) A systematic analysis of effects of airport expansion considering airline and passenger responses. The 22nd COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP 2022), Changsha, China, 8-11 July 2022.

[35] Lin, J.†, Zhang, F. (2021) Spatio-temporal resource allocation in bus-integrated freight transport systems. The 25th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 9-10 December 2021.

[34] Zhang, Z.†, Zhang, F. (2021) Economic Analysis of Ride-Pooling Services with Endogenous Pooling Sizes. The 25th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 9-10 December 2021.

[33] Gong, Z.†, Zhang, F. (2021) A systematic analysis of effects of airport expansion considering airline and passenger responses. The 25th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 9-10 December 2021.

[32] Gong, Z.†, Zhang, F. (2021) Airport expansion with responsive airlines: the effects on congestion, competition and welfare. The 24th Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference, Sydney, Australia, 26-29 August 2021.

[31] Wei, B., Saberi, M., Zhang, F., Liu, W., Waller, S.T. (2021) Modeling and managing ridesharing in a multi-modal network with an aggregate traffic representation: a doubly dynamical approach. The 8th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA2020/2021), Seattle, US, 28 June-2 July 2021.

[30] Ma, M.†, Liu, W., Li, X., Zhang, F., Jian, S., Dixit, V. (2021) Quantifying day-to-day evolution of reliability-based choice patterns in public transit system with smart card data. The 8th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA2020/2021), Seattle, US, 28 June-2 July 2021.

[29] Zhang, Z.†, Zhang, F. (2021) Economic analysis of the competition between ride-pooling platforms with differential pooling sizes. 2021 International Transport Economics Association (ITEA) Annual Conference, Rome, Italy, 21-26 June 2021.

[28] Wei, B., Saberi, M., Zhang, F., Liu, W., Waller, S.T. (2021) Temporal capacity allocation and tolling schemes for morning commute with carpooling. The International Symposium on Transportation Data and Modelling (ISTDM), Ann Arbor, Michigan, US, 21-24 June 2021.

[27] Ma, M.†, Liu, W., Li, X., Zhang, F., Jian, S., Dixit, V. (2021) Quantifying day-to-day evolution of choice patterns in public transit system with smart transit card data. The International Symposium on Transportation Data and Modelling (ISTDM), Ann Arbor, Michigan, US, 21-24 June 2021.

[26] Yang, Z.†, Zhang, F., Liu, W., Jiao, J. (2019) Effects of high-speed rail megalopolis on regional economic growth. The 24th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 14-16 December 2019.

[25] Zhang, F., Liu, W. (2019) Manage multiple traffic externalities for doubly dynamical large- scale multi-modal systems with responsive transit services. The 23rd International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT), Lausanne, Switzerland, 24-26 July 2019.

[24] Liu, W., Zhang, F., Wang, X., Shao, C., Yang, H. (2019) Modeling and managing the parking sharing problem for urban cities. The 98th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, D.C., USA, 13-17 January 2019.

[23] Liu, W., Zhang, F., Wang, X., Shao, C., Yang, H. (2018) On the parking sharing problem in a linear monocentric city. The 23rd International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 8-10 December 2018.

[22] Zhang, F. (2018) Quantifying the substitutability and complementarity between high-speed rail and air transport. The 6th International Conference on Transportation and Space-time Economics (TSTE 2018), Beijing, China, 12-14 October 2018.

[21] Zhang, F. (2018) The substitution and complementary effects of high-speed rail on air transport: evidence from Asia and Europe. The 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2018), Beijing, China, 5-8 July, 2018.

[20] Zhang, F., Graham, D.J. (2018) The substitution and complementary effects between high-speed rail and air transport. ITEA Annual Conference on Transportation Economics (Kuhmo Nectar), Hong Kong, 25-29 June 2018.

[19] Liu., W., Zhang, F., Wang, X., Shao, C., Yang, H. (2018) Modeling and managing the parking sharing problem. ITEA Annual Conference on Transportation Economics (Kuhmo Nectar), Hong Kong, 25-29 June 2018.

[18] Cabral, M., Smith, A., Nilsson, J., Odolinski, K., Zhang, F. (2018) The economic appraisal of rail engineering technologies. ITEA Annual Conference on Transportation Economics (Kuhmo Nectar), Hong Kong, 25-29 June 2018.

[17] Zhang, F., Liu, W. (2018) Modelling the doubly dynamical large-scale multi-modal systems with responsive transit services. The 7th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA): Smart Transportation, Hong Kong, 6-8 June, 2018.

[16] Liu, W., Li, X., Zhang, F., Yang, H. (2018) Modeling evolution of mode and departure choices in a bi-modal network with user inertia and information provision. The 97th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, D.C., USA, 7-11 January 2018.

[15] Zhang, F., Liu, W., Wang, X., Yang, H. (2017) Morning commute with both household and individual trips. The 22nd International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS), Hong Kong, 9-11 December 2017.

[14] Shao, C., Yang, H., Zhang, F. (2017) Optimal two-sided pricing strategies of shared E-parking platform with elastic demand. The INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics (TSL) Conference, Chicago, USA, 26-29 July 2017.

[13] Shao, C., Yang, H., Zhang, F. (2017) Optimal two-sided pricing strategies of shared e-parking platform with elastic demand. ITEA Annual Conference on Transportation Economics (Kuhmo Nectar), Barcelona, Spain, 19-23 June 2017.

[12] Zhang, F., Zheng, N., Geroliminis, N., Yang, H. (2016) Analysis of the responsive bus service with roadway space separation in multimodal networks using network-level traffic models. The 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, D.C., USA, 10-14 January 2016.

[11] Zhang, F. (2015) Managing the multimodal transportation system with roadway space allocation and responsive bus services. The 20th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, 12-14 December, 2015. (Runner-up for Best Student Paper Award).

[10] Zhang, F., Zheng, N., Geroliminis, N., Yang, H. (2015) Optimization of bus services in multimodal networks with dedicated bus corridors with network-level traffic models. The 4th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), Copenhagen, Denmark, 9-11 September 2015.

[9] Zhang, F., Yang, H., Lindsey, R. (2015) Optimizing transit service with highway expansion when the two modes are imperfect substitutes. ITEA Annual Conference on Transportation Economics (Kuhmo Nectar), Oslo, Norway, 17-19 June 2015.

[8] Zhang, F., Yang, H. (2014) Highway expansion, transit service and welfare effects with imperfect substitutability in a two-mode network. The 19th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, 13-15 December, 2014.

[7] Liu, W., Yin., Y., Yang, H., Zhang, F. (2014) Examining the effectiveness of variable speed limit from a long-term equilibrium perspective with empirical data. The 19th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, 13-15 December, 2014.

[6] Zhang, F., Yang, H., Liu, W. (2014) Welfare implications of highway capacity expansion with responsive transit operator when the two modes are imperfect substitutes. ITEA Annual Conference on Transportation Economics (Kuhmo Nectar), Toulouse, France, 4-6 June 2014.

[5] Liu, W., Yang, H., Zhang, F. (2014) Economics of a reservation system for morning commute. ITEA Annual Conference on Transportation Economics (Kuhmo Nectar), Toulouse, France, 4-6 June 2014.

[4] Zhang, F., Yang, H. (2013) The Downs-Thomson paradox with monopoly transit operator and heterogeneous commuters. The 18th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, 14-16 December 2013.

[3] Liu, W., Yang, H., Zhang, F. (2013) Improving travel efficiency by non-rigid expirable parking reservation. The 18th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, 14-16 December 2013.

[2] Zhang, F., Yang, H. (2013) On the Downs-Thomson paradox under transit dispatching and pricing schemes. The 13th World Conference on Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 15-18 July 2013.

[1] Zhang, F., Yang, H. (2012) The Downs-Thomson paradox under transit dispatching and pricing schemes. The 17th International Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong, 15-17 December 2012.